On That Which You Focus

Nov 24, 2021

Hey, thanks for reading :-) 

Q. What percentage of your marriage's success is in your hands?

Turns out that "what you focus on grows" and this is true in marriage world as much as in any area of life. The thing of it is though, it's tricky to focus on something so present so all the time.

And what often stands out to focus on is not how great things are. Am I right?

Hence the need in married life for some systems, some scheduled activities, some food-for-thought when it comes to relationship betterment. Habits you can set up to draw your attention to the good in your marriage, and the how-to's to make it even better.

Or, at least, some great reads every so often, that nudge you in the right direction. 

So, sign up and read on for those nudges. May these reads focus your attention on the even greater things waiting for you in your relationship, and what it could take to follow the path there. As we frame different aspects of love and life for your eyes to focus on, may this blog be a guide to the best your marriage has to offer.

Perhaps more is in your hands than you thought.

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