What? Christmas? Again?

Dec 21, 2022

As I get older, my wife and I are in our 40's (yup, I know, soooo old!) time seems to pick up speed. As we go through Christmas preparations I'm thinking - weren't we just doing this?!

In thinking thru how to live a full and satisfying life, I've come across a little piece of wisdom (from this book here) and it's incredibly applicable to marriage. In essence, it goes like this:

Stop trying to be mindful about everything (recipe for insanity if there ever was one), and focus on the moments that are worth your attention, cherishing, and memory.

Yes, that's it! There's a lot of minutiae we live thru that we won't ever lament the passing of. But then there are the smiles, warmth, closeness, connection in our lives that deserve noticing. And cherishing. And some to be logged in our memories for those days coming when the remembering what made it all worthwhile is supremely precious.

Holidays serve to amplify this capacity for treasuring each other and blessings in one's life. Decide to take the time to notice that arm around you, that sparkling in the lights in his/her eyes. Yes, take 10 minutes after the kids are down, or the house is all quite and sit in the light of the tree only, and just treasure the fact of what you're living in.

What? Christmas again?! Yes. Enjoy friends!

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