CoupleThings Blog
The idea of continually feeding your marriage is key. It makes sense: what you input into your life in any area will have an effect how that area of your life plays out.
What we don't realize often times is that no intentional input doesn't mean no input at all.
Rather, we're bombarded...
As I get older, my wife and I are in our 40's (yup, I know, soooo old!) time seems to pick up speed. As we go through Christmas preparations I'm thinking - weren't we just doing this?!
In thinking thru how to live a full and satisfying life, I've come across a little piece of wisdom (from...
It was just another day.
In fact it may have been tougher than a normal day. We had an argument about something and were feeling the fracturing of our closeness. The week had taken hold and there were things on both of our minds that demanded attention and focus.
Here I was...
There's an ancient text (okay, the Bible) that declares, empowered from a spiritual place, it's possible for "old things to pass away and all things to be made new".
In our lives we tap into this capacity to create change when we set goals to change something, or set New...
Hey, thanks for reading :-)
Q. What percentage of your marriage's success is in your hands?
Turns out that "what you focus on grows" and this is true in marriage world as much as in any area of life. The thing of it is though, it's tricky to focus on something so present so all...
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